At MLG, we have completed many due diligence reports, efficiency reviews and SRMA reviews with the overall aim always being to add value to the Trust by providing a detailed, dedicated service which then enables our clients to be able to make the necessary decisions regarding the future of their Trust.
Efficiency Reviews
- Efficiency reviews for both Single and Multi Academy Trusts, to identify areas of improvement to benefit the Trust and in turn the children.
Due Diligence Reviews
- Due diligence reports are beneficial when thinking of merging with another Multi Academy Trust or joining an existing Multi Academy Trust.
- SRMA reviews for both Single and Multi Academy Trusts, gives an overview of the current situation of the Trust. With fundamental areas RAG rated to see where improvements can be made, and which areas you are doing well in.
Our team has a range of experience in supporting Trusts of all sizes via a range of bespoke reviews, tailored to meet the individual needs of our clients.